Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Beautiful Waves in the Sky

The sheer draperies in her patio languidly danced with the moody breeze from the distant north. The night has fallen and she could see the moon slowly lay its face on gray pillows of vagabond clouds. She loves evenings like this. It makes her gladly gather all the memories that were laid to rot with the wrath of time, memories of the ancient him... memories she longed to recall with him.

The wooden dock over the still waters of the lake nearby is her constant refuge. She goes there every single evening and sits there while staring at the moon slowly rising high above. The moon knows her secrets and desires. The moon knows what she wants and comes down to fulfill her needs in his precious name.

He spoke about the moon with her many years past.He told her how much he sees her in it before every month renders its last quarter phase. He spoke of how the moon smiles at every whisper of her name and told promises he claimed would last forever.

Wherever they all went, only the moon knows about it now.

She sees beautiful waves in the sky. They are the moon's gift to her and hers to him.

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