Monday, February 18, 2008

What do you want to tell me?

I saw hills of green and a small gathering down the ravine. I was curious to see what was going on so I climbed down the steep hills and approached a long table were everyone was seated. There was no food on the table, nor a sign that people were having a party. Instead, I saw him sitting in the other end of the table. I went in front of him and without a word, he handed me a plaid blouse and a pair of shorts which appeared to be sewn by him. I knew he made them especially for me even when he never uttered a word about it. I looked at them and thought they were actually nice. Only sone thing I have noticed, the shorts were too small for my size. I gazed back at him and saw his eyes. They conversed with mine but I could no longer understand what he was trying to say in silence.

I woke up, and I tried to figure out what this dream means. My tears signified how much I miss him.

1 comment:

Viktor Hart said...

How Do I Adore Thee? there are infinite reasons, therefore I could not count...

(Viktor Hart)

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